Stanislaus Amateur Radio Association
SARA is a volunteer club dedicated to furthering the advancements of Amateur Radio. Our purpose is the recognition and enhancement of the value of the Amateur Radio service to the public, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications. SARA is a non-profit, tax exempt, 501(c)(3) organization that is incorporated in the State of California in 1979.
SARA provides a public service to our communities by providing trained amateur radio operators for communications on several walk-a-thons, bicycle races and when needed, emergency communications in association with the Stanislaus Amateur Radio Emergency service. SARA is officially affiliated with the American Radio Relay League ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League), Stanislaus County and the City of Modesto in California ( U.S.A ), ARES and the Northern Amateur Relay Council of California NARCC (North American Repeater Coordinating Council). SARA holds an FCC club station license, WD6EJF, which identifies the repeaters and digipeater. You need not be a licensed amateur to be a SARA club member.
For additional information contact SARA club president John Otte – K6JRO, prof_otte@icloud.com