Stanislaus Amateur Radio Association (SARA) is a volunteer club dedicated to furthering the advancements of Amateur Radio. Our purpose is the recognition and enhancement of the value of the Amateur Radio service to the public, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications. SARA is incorporated in the State of California incorporating in 1976.
SARA provides a public service to our communities by providing trained amateur radio operators for communications on several walk-a-thons, bicycle races and when needed, emergency communications in association with the Stanislaus Amateur Radio Emergency service. SARA is officially affiliated with the American Radio Relay League ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League), Stanislaus County and the City of Modesto in California ( U.S.A ), ARES and the Northern Amateur Relay Council of California NARCC (North American Repeater Coordinating Council). SARA holds an FCC club station license, WD6EJF, which identifies the repeaters and digipeater. You need not be a licensed amateur to be a SARA club member.
For additional information contact SARA club president John Otte – K6JRO,
2025 Officers:
President: John Otte K6JRO
Vice President: Brian Esser KN6QFF
Secretary: Scott Griffin N6CIC
Treasurer: Scott Johnson KN6RKY
Sergeant at Arms: Robin Axton KG6ZYQ
Trustee: Lucian Thomas KF6NPG
Dick Aal W8AAL
Scott Daniels KN6OOV
Cheryl Niles KK6GJM
Mark Price N6ARP Past President
Committees / Workgroups
Repeater Trustee: Lucian Thomas KF6NPG
Club Technician: Patrick Dunbar KG6AZZ
Readout Editor: John Otte K6JRO
Community Events: Lucian Thomas KF6NPG
Stanislaus County ARES: Emergency Coordinator: Ed Hanna KF6FIR
2025 SARA Memberships
As of: January 29, 2025
Count First Name Last Name Call sign
1 Richard Aal W8AAL
2 Robin Axton KG6ZYQ
3 Greg Bernardi KO6GJL
4 John Bohling W6PY
5 Patty Bohling W6PV
6 Richard Bratzenia W6DU
7 Richard Bresheras WE6V
8 James Bryden KK6ILV
9 Leroy Campbell NV6S
10 Mark Carter KI6HOB
11 John Charcho N6FBA
12 Derril Coffman W7LTM
13 Karen Coffman WA6KEC
14 Scott Daniels KN6OOV
15 Michael Douglass N6XXM
16 Patrick Dunbar KG6AZZ
17 Brian Esser KN6QFF
18 John Evers KO6HED
19 Paul Gotelli KN6YHY
20 Scott Griffin N6CIC
21 Ed Hanna KF6FIR
22 Sandy Isganitis WSFY432
23 Elias Jackson KN6GZW
24 Jason Jackson KN6HAG
25 Doug Jamieson KE6QMS
26 Robbie Johnson KN6VOG
27 Scott Johnson KN6RKY
28 Roy Kidwell KK6OQP
29 Eva Kidwell KM6BIP
30 Dave Livingston KM6ZZY
31 Eric McMillan K7RKU
32 Cheryl Niles KK6GJM
33 Brent Ocken KJ6MRG
34 John Otte K6JRO
35 Samaire Otte K6SBO
36 Paul Owen W6UHF
37 Don "Doc" Pagala N6TTR
38 Jason Peitz KA6TIO
39 Vicki Peitz KJ6RCV
40 Zack Pelham KI6KQO
41 Mark Price N6ARP
42 Ernie Rader W5NH
43 Jeff Ras KO6HEF
44 Adam Reed K6ALR
45 Joel Reed KD6DTS
46 Aimelia Reed N6AME
47 Kathryn Reed KJ6HHA
48 Bruce Roberts KE6ULQ
49 Mel Roberts W7EOV
50 Jene Rong KI6DC
51 Gene Savelli W6QFU
52 Brett Short N5NPD
53 Randy Spindler KF6RJS
54 Seth Stone KN6KOD
55 Lucian Thomas KF6NPG
56 Kathy Thomas KM6VLJ
57 Scott Van Artsdalen N6SVA
58 Robert Wampler KD6BNY
59 Scott Warner WB3KJX